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[Review]The 43th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners
<제 43차 Kwon3D 초급자교육> 일시 : 2012년 7월 27일 10시~17시 장소 : ㈜비솔 (사내 대회의실) 참가 업체 : 고려대학교, 양산부산대학교병원 내용 : 바디모델링, 프로토콜, 디지타이징, 프로세싱 방법교육      

 [2012/08/06 09:32]
The 43th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners

 [2012/07/09 11:11]
[Review]The 39th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners
   <제 39차 Kwon3D 초급자교육>   일시 : 2012년 3월 30일 10시~17시   장소 : ㈜비솔 (사내 대회의실)   참가 업체 : 한국교원대학교, 창원대학교, 숭실대학교,         용인대학교, 단국대학교, 경희대학교   내용 : 바디...

 [2012/04/02 10:15]
The 39th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners

 [2012/03/13 11:20]
The 38th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners

 [2012/02/08 17:03]
[Review]The 37th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners
<The 37th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners> *Date and time :10:00~17:00 Jan 27 ,2012 *Location : Grand Conference Room In Visol Company *Institution : Korea National Sport University                  Korea Natonal University of Education  &nbs...

 [2012/01/31 15:03]
The 37th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners

 [2012/01/19 16:01]
The 29th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners
The 29th Kwon3D XP Training for beginnersWe invite you to our Kwon3D XP Training for beginners We appreciate your consistent interest and encouragement, We will have a plan to provide a training course in 2010 about the software usage and experimental environment for the Kwon3D XP users.  Business Dept. 1   VISOL,Inc. ▶ Dat...

 [2010/03/10 16:19]
The 6th Kwon3D XP Training - Intermediate Course
The 6th Kwon3D XP Training - Intermediate Course We invite you to our Kwon3D XP Intermediate Training Course We appreciate your consistent interest and encouragement, We will have a plan to provide a training course in 2009 about the software usage and experimental environment for         the Kwon3D XP use...

 [2010/02/16 14:56]
The 27th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners
The 27th Kwon3D XP Training for beginnersWe invite you to our Kwon3D XP Training for beginners We appreciate your consistent interest and encouragement, We will have a plan to provide a training course in 2009 about the software usage and experimental environment for the Kwon3D XP users.  Business Dept. 1   VISOL,Inc. ▶ Dat...

 [2009/11/09 13:31]
The 5th Kwon3D XP Training - Intermediate Course
The 5th Kwon3D XP Training - Intermediate Course We invite you to our Kwon3D XP Intermediate Training Course We appreciate your consistent interest and encouragement, We will have a plan to provide a training course in 2009 about the software usage and experimental environment for         the Kwon3D XP use...

 [2009/10/26 11:59]
The 26th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners
The 26th Kwon3D XP Training for beginnersWe invite you to our Kwon3D XP Training for beginners We appreciate your consistent interest and encouragement, We will have a plan to provide a training course in 2009 about the software usage and experimental environment for the Kwon3D XP users.  Business Dept. 1   VISOL,Inc. ▶ Dat...

 [2009/09/21 10:23]
The 4th Kwon3D XP Training - Intermediate Course
The 4th Kwon3D XP Training - Intermediate Course We invite you to our Kwon3D XP Intermediate Training Course We appreciate your consistent interest and encouragement, We will have a plan to provide a training course in 2009 about the software usage and experimental environment for         the Kwon3D XP use...

 [2009/08/25 10:47]
The 25th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners
The 25th Kwon3D XP Training for beginnersWe invite you to our Kwon3D XP Training for beginners We appreciate your consistent interest and encouragement, We will have a plan to provide a training course in 2009 about the software usage and experimental environment for the Kwon3D XP users.  Business Dept. 1   VISOL,Inc. ▶ Dat...

 [2009/07/16 14:00]
The 3rd Kwon3D XP Training - Intermediate Course
The 3rd Kwon3D XP Training - Intermediate Course We invite you to our Kwon3D XP Intermediate Training Course We appreciate your consistent interest and encouragement, We will have a plan to provide a training course in 2009 about the software usage and experimental environment for         the Kwon3D XP use...

 [2009/06/19 09:53]
The 24th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners
The 24th Kwon3D XP Training for beginnersWe invite you to our Kwon3D XP Training for beginners We appreciate your consistent interest and encouragement, We will have a plan to provide a training course in 2009 about the software usage and experimental environment for the Kwon3D XP users.  Business Dept. 1   VISOL,Inc. ▶ Dat...

 [2009/05/21 09:41]