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Name Kwon3D
Date 31-January-2012 (15:03)
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“ [Review]The 37th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners ”
<The 37th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners>
*Date and time :10:00~17:00 Jan 27 ,2012
*Location : Grand Conference Room In Visol Company
*Institution : Korea National Sport University
                  Korea Natonal University of Education
                  Korea Institute of Sport Science
*Substance : Bodymodeling, Protocol, Digitizing, Processing



Warning: Division by zero in /home/hosting_users/kwon3d/www/skin_board/s_build_cafeblog/2_index.php on line 1230
Name Kwon3D
Date 02-April-2012 (10:15)
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“ [Review]The 39th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners ”

   <제 39차 Kwon3D 초급자교육>


일시 : 2012년 3월 30일 10시~17시


장소 : ㈜비솔 (사내 대회의실)


참가 업체 : 한국교원대학교, 창원대학교, 숭실대학교,

        용인대학교, 단국대학교, 경희대학교


내용 : 바디모델링, 프로토콜, 디지타이징, 프로세싱 방법교육



Name Kwon3D
Date 31-January-2012 (15:03)
ㆍVote: 0  ㆍClick: 28721
“ [Review]The 37th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners ”
<The 37th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners>
*Date and time :10:00~17:00 Jan 27 ,2012
*Location : Grand Conference Room In Visol Company
*Institution : Korea National Sport University
                  Korea Natonal University of Education
                  Korea Institute of Sport Science
*Substance : Bodymodeling, Protocol, Digitizing, Processing


Name Kwon3D
Date 06-August-2012 (09:32)
ㆍVote: 0  ㆍClick: 28360
“ [Review]The 43th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners ”

<제 43차 Kwon3D 초급자교육>

일시 : 2012년 7월 27일 10시~17시

장소 : ㈜비솔 (사내 대회의실)

참가 업체 : 고려대학교, 양산부산대학교병원

내용 : 바디모델링, 프로토콜, 디지타이징, 프로세싱 방법교육




Name Kwon3D
Date 08-February-2012 (17:03)
Down1 Kwon3D_Application.doc (24KB) (Down:4341)
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“ The 38th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners ”
Name Kwon3D
Date 10-March-2010 (16:19)
Down1 Kwon3D_XP_Application.xls (19KB) (Down:4422)
ㆍVote: 0  ㆍClick: 27881
“ The 29th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners ”
The 29th Kwon3D XP Training for beginners

We invite you to our Kwon3D XP Training for beginners

We appreciate your consistent interest and encouragement, We will have a plan to provide a training course in 2010 about the software usage and experimental environment

for the Kwon3D XP users. 

Business Dept. 1   VISOL,Inc.

▶ Date and Time: 10:00 ~ 17:00  March 26, 2010

 The above training schedule may be changed.  
▶ Location: Grand Conference Room in the Visol Company
▶ For whom: Kwon3D XP Users or persons interesting in the Kwon3D XP
▶ Preparation materials: one Notebook per person( higher version than Windows 2000 )
▶ Preregistration:  Contact person:  
Kim, Se-Na(
  Tel. 02)2612-2111 Fax. 02) 2612-0660 
 Registration Information
  Preregistration is required to attend this training.  
  Preregistration should be done as early as you can. Only 8 persons are permitted.


 Registration Form
 Application Form for Kwon3D XP Training (refer to attached file)


By Subway
1. Get off  Gu-il Station → Cross the right Bridge on the station exit (Gwangmyeong-si bound) → Rivervill APT → 6F Gwangmyeong Techno-Town 

2. Cheolsan Station, Exit 2 (Line No. 7) → Taxi (5 minutes) → Bus (6616,6638) → Get off the last stop (3 minutes) → Gwangmyeong Techno-Town

By Car
1. Seobu Expressway (West Cost Highway ) → (Gwangmyeong City Hall bound) 

→ Trun left at the end of the Gwangmyeong Bridge → Rivervill APT → 6F Gwangmyeong Techno-Town

2. Nambu Circular Highway (Gimpo Airport bound) → Garibong road 5 → LG Gas Station 

→ Rivervill APT → 6F Gwangmyeong Techno-Town